1.Barbara isn’t trying to solve her financial problem.(effort) =>Barbara 2.Anna feels sad because Fred i gnored her needs in several months.(caring) =

By Adeline

1.Barbara isn’t trying to solve her financial problem.(effort)
2.Anna feels sad because Fred i gnored her needs in several months.(caring)
=>Anna thinks
3.When we get togerther, everybody talks a lot, freely and cheerfull.(enjoy)
4.Anna is always very quiet with her husband’s family.Everybody thought she was acting superior to them.(different)
5.Fred always feels uncomfortable because everyone in Anna’s family is so quiet.(the way)
=>fred feels

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  1. 1.Barbara isn’t trying to solve her financial problem.(effort)

    -> Barbara is making an effort to solve her financial problem.

    *Barbara đang nỗ lực để giải quyết vấn đề tài chính của mình.

    – make an effort: cố gắng

    2.Anna feels sad because Fred ignored her needs in several months.(caring)

    -> Anna thinks Fred stopped caring about her needs in several months.

    *Anna cho rằng Fred đã ngừng quan tâm đến nhu cầu của cô trong vài tháng.

    3. When we get togerther, everybody talks a lot, freely and cheerfull.(enjoy)

    -> Members enjoy getting together to talks freely and cheerful.

    *Các thành viên thích tụ tập với nhau để nói chuyện một cách thoải mái và vui vẻ.

    4. Anna is always very quiet with her husband’s family.Everybody thought she was acting superior to them.(different)

    -> Anna was different from among her husband’s family which made everybody think she was acting superior to them.

    * Anna khác với gia đình chồng khiến mọi người nghĩ rằng cô ấy hành động vượt trội hơn họ.

    5. Fred always feels uncomfortable because everyone in Anna’s family is so quiet.(the way)

    -> Fred feels uncomfortable with the way Anna’s family being so quiet.

    *Fred cảm thấy không thoải mái với cách gia đình Anna yên lặng như vậy.

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