1.He is so young. His acting is excellent. (Although) 2.It was noisy. The children slept well. (Despite) 3.All critics said this film is really boring

By Piper

1.He is so young. His acting is excellent. (Although)
2.It was noisy. The children slept well. (Despite)
3.All critics said this film is really boring. I was so interested in it. (Nevertheless)
4.The film poster is fascinating. I don’t want to see this film. (In spite of)
5.She prepared carefully for the casting. She wasn’t chosen. (However)
6.Although our plan is careful, we made some mistakes. (Despite)

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  1. 1, Although he is so young, his acting is excellent.

    Dịch: Tuy anh ấy còn rất trẻ nhưng diễn xuất của cậu ấy rất xuất sắc.

    2, Despite the noise, the children slept well.

    Dịch: Dù ồn ào nhưng lũ trẻ vẫn ngủ ngon.

    3, All critics said this film is really boring. Nevertheless, I was so interested in it.

    Dịch: Tất cả các nhà phê bình đều cho rằng bộ phim này thực sự rất nhàm chán. Tuy nhiên, tôi rất quan tâm đến nó.

    4, In spite of the fascinating film poster, I don’t want to see this film. 

    Dịch: Mặc dù poster phim hấp dẫn, tôi không muốn xem bộ phim này.

    5, She prepared carefully for the casting. However, she wasn’t chosen.

    Dịch: Cô chuẩn bị kỹ lưỡng cho buổi casting. Tuy nhiên, cô ấy đã không được chọn.

    6, Despite our careful plan, we made some mistakes.

    Dịch: Mặc dù có kế hoạch cẩn thận, chúng tôi đã mắc một số sai lầm.

    Học tốt và xin hay nhất.

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  2. 1.Although he is so young, his acting is excellent.

    2.Despite the noise, the children still slept well.

    3.All critics said this film is really boring. Nevertheless, I was so interested in it.

    4.In spite of the fascinating film poster, I don’t want to see this film. 

    5.She prepared carefully for the casting. However, she wasn’t chosen.

    6. Despite our careful plan, we still made some mistakes.

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