1. He returns home after a hard-working day, so ____. A. he is really tired B. he likes to go dancing 2. Our seats were ____far from the stage that w

By Peyton

1. He returns home after a hard-working day, so ____.
A. he is really tired B. he likes to go dancing
2. Our seats were ____far from the stage that we couldn’t see the actors and actresses clearly.
A. very B. too C. enough D. so
3. He was _____ he never washed his clothes by himself.
A. too lazy B. so lazy that C. very lazy that D. such lazy that
4. It was _____ a boring speech that I felt asleep.
A. such B. so C. very D. too
5. John’s eyes were _____ bad that he couldn’t read the number plate of the car in front.
A. such B. too C. so D. very
6. It’s surprising now _____ beautiful girl can make so heinous crime.
A. such B. so C. a such D. such a
7. These are _____ ugly chairs _____ I am going to give them away.
A. so / that B. such / that C. so many / that D. so much / that
8They are _____ that they can’t buy a bicycle.
A. enough poor B. poor enough C. so poor D. too poor
9. Davis has _____ many patients _____ he is always busy.
A. too / that B. very / until C. such / that D. so / that
10. It was _____ a difficult question that they couldn’t explain.
A. so B. such C. very D. too

0 bình luận về “1. He returns home after a hard-working day, so ____. A. he is really tired B. he likes to go dancing 2. Our seats were ____far from the stage that w”

  1. 1. A. he is really tired ( anh ấy trở về nhà sau một ngày làm việc chăm chỉ vì thế anh ấy cảm thấy rất mệt mỏi )

    2. D. so ( chỗ ngồi của chúng tôi xa sân khấu tới nỗi chúng tôi không thể nhìn thấy nam và nữ diễn viên )

    3. B. so lazy that ( anh ấy lười tới nỗi không bao giờ tự giặc quần áo cho mình )

    4. A. such ( nó là 1 bài diễn văn chán tới nổi tôi cảm thấy buồn ngủ 0

    5. C. so ( mắt của John tệ tới nỗi anh ấy không thể đọc biển số xe của chiếc xe ở trước )

    6. D. such a

    7.  A. so / that ( có rất nhiều chiêc ghế xấu xí đến nỗi tôi mua vứt nó đi )

    8. C. so poor ( họ nghèo tới nỗi không mua được 1 chiếc xe đạp )

    9. D. so / that ( nghĩa: David có nhiều bệnh nhân tới nỗi anh ấy luôn bận 0

    10. B. such ( nghĩa: nó là 1 câu hỏi khó đến nỗi họ không thể giải thich được )

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