1. I waited for her for two hours–, she didn’t come. ( Unfortunately, Maybe , Perhaps, Actually? 2. Where- the Head? She -now in the Hall

By Eliza

1. I waited for her for two hours…….., she didn’t come. ( Unfortunately, Maybe , Perhaps, Actually?
2. Where…. the Head? She ….now in the Hall, making a speech. ( is/is, is/ is being, was/was , was being/was)
3. she was working while i passed by. she stopped ….. and we talked about her last holiday. (working / to work / work)
4. she was working while i passed by. i asked her aabout the way to London. She stopped …. me the way. ( showing/ to show)
6. That skirt is too small for my daughter to wear.
=> That skirt is so…

0 bình luận về “1. I waited for her for two hours–, she didn’t come. ( Unfortunately, Maybe , Perhaps, Actually? 2. Where- the Head? She -now in the Hall”

  1. 1. Unfortunately

    2. is/is

    3. working

    4. to show

    6. That skirt is so small that my daughter can’t wear it.

    The school which he is studying in is very old.

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