1. (If) I were (you) , I (didn’t) buy that A. B. C. (expensive) car D. 2. (If) you (are) in my (position) ,

By Autumn

1. (If) I were (you) , I (didn’t) buy that
A. B. C.
(expensive) car
2. (If) you (are) in my (position) , what (would)
A. B. C. D.
you do?

0 bình luận về “1. (If) I were (you) , I (didn’t) buy that A. B. C. (expensive) car D. 2. (If) you (are) in my (position) ,”

  1. 1. C. didn’t → wouldn’t ( câu ĐK loại 2:If + S + QKĐ, S + would + V0 )

    2. B. are → were ( câu ĐK loại 2:If + S + QKĐ( nếu là Vbe ở thì QKĐ thì bắt buộc ở số ít hay số nhiều đều sử dụng ‘were’), S + would + V0 )

    Chúc bạn học tốt ~

    # Yumi

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