27. There ____ a few flowers in this garden last summer. A. being B. were C. are D. is 28. Collecting old coins ____ one of my hobbies. A. be

By Elliana

27. There ____ a few flowers in this garden last summer.
A. being B. were
C. are D. is
28. Collecting old coins ____ one of my hobbies.
A. being B. were
C. are D. is
29. Everybody ____ trying to do their best at present.
A. to be B. have been
C. are D. is
30. The police ____ come to the site of the accident.
A. have B. has C. having D. to have
31. Have you seen _______ good films recently?
– No, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
A. any B. some
C. a few D. most of
32. Can I have _______ coffee for my breakfast?
A. any B. few
C. little D. some
33. ______ the Vietnamese people make their living by farming.
A. Most B. Most of
C. Some of D. Much of
lm hộ vs

0 bình luận về “27. There ____ a few flowers in this garden last summer. A. being B. were C. are D. is 28. Collecting old coins ____ one of my hobbies. A. be”

  1. 27. B were 

    `->` last summer: quá khứ đơn

    28. D is

    `->` “collecting old coins” là danh động từ làm chủ ngữ trong câu nên V chia số ít

    29. D is 

    `->` at present: hiện tại tiếp diễn, “everybody” là đại từ bất định nên động từ chia số ít

    30. A have 

    `->` Hiện tại hoàn thành: S + have/has + Vpp, “the police” là chủ ngữ số nhiều nên dùng “have”

    31. A any 

    `->` any dùng trong câu nghi vấn, phủ định

    32. D some 

    `->` “some” dùng trong câu mời

    33. B Most of 

    `->` Most of + N xác định ( the Vietnamese people )

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