33. People speak English all over the world. => English 34. “Which grade are you in?” She asked me => She asked me 35. Why don’t we go to Ba’s villa

By Alexandra

33. People speak English all over the world.
=> English
34. “Which grade are you in?” She asked me
=> She asked me
35. Why don’t we go to Ba’s village this weekend? ( using How about )
36. I’m sorry I don’t know many English words. ( using wish )

0 bình luận về “33. People speak English all over the world. => English 34. “Which grade are you in?” She asked me => She asked me 35. Why don’t we go to Ba’s villa”

  1. =>

    33. English is spoken all over the world.

    34. She asked me which grade I was in.

    35. How about going to Ba’s village this weekend?

    36. I wish I knew many English words.

    Trả lời
  2. 33. English is spoken all over the world

    34. She asked me which grade i was in

    35. How about going to Ba’s village this weekend?

    36. I wish I knew many English words.

    Trả lời

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