37. they play (table tennis) in their free time ⟶ Which sports ________________________ ? 38 my brother goes jogging (twice a week) ⟶ H

By Alice

37. they play (table tennis) in their free time
⟶ Which sports ________________________ ?
38 my brother goes jogging (twice a week)
⟶ How often ____________________________ ?
39 the weight lifter is not light.
⟶ The weight lifter______________________.
40 less later volleyball tomorrow afternoon.
⟶ How about___________________________.

0 bình luận về “37. they play (table tennis) in their free time ⟶ Which sports ________________________ ? 38 my brother goes jogging (twice a week) ⟶ H”

  1. 37.Which sports do they play in their free time?

    38.How often does your brother go jogging?

    39.The weight lifter light heavy

    40.How about playing volleyball tommorrow afternoon?

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  2. 37. they play (table tennis) in their free time.

    ⟶ Which sports do they play in their free time?

    38. My brother goes jogging (twice a week)

    ⟶ How often does your brother go jogging?

    39. the weight lifter is not light.

    ⟶ The weight lifter is heavy.

    40. Let’s play volleyball tomorrow afternoon.

    ⟶ How about playing volleyball tomorrow afternoon?

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