A. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.(1.5 pts) 26. I extend my sincere_____ to the family and friends of John

By Charlie

A. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.(1.5 pts)
26. I extend my sincere_____ to the family and friends of John Miller, who has suddenly left us at the age of 54.
A. appreciation B. description C. condolences D. charges
27. Hotel employees are reminded to be_____ and courteous, especially to first-time guests.
A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. friendship
28. The government issued a warning to local companies that all waste must be disposed of___or they will face heavy fines.
A. corrects B. correcting C. correction D. correctly
29. Golf Weekly is a newly published magazine that caters_____ to experienced and inexperienced golfers who are just learning to play the game.
A. both B. neither C. either D. so
30. We are seeking an _____ to represent us in talks with our Japanese clients.
A. interpreta B. interpreter C. interpreting D. interpretation
31. We believe that_____ recent changes in state laws, the majority of students will get a job after graduating the university.
A. due to B. whereas C. otherwise D. instead of
32. _____ in universities around the nation has more than tripled compared to this time last year.
A. Enroll B. Enrolls C. Enrolling D. Enrollment
33. _____ Mr. Brown retires, he will receive an annual pension of more than fifty thousand dollars from the government.
A. Often B. Once C. Whoever D. Sometimes
34. _____ Mr. Parker’s promotion became official, many of his colleagues have approached him to congratulate him.
A. Despite B. Still C. Since D. During
35. John Clarke, who is in the prime of his career, has been ranked_____ the top 10 players in tennis history by Sports Daily.
A. at B. into C. among D. from
36. He thought the talk was fascinating. His friend, _____, fell asleep halfway through it.
A. although B. nevertheless C. so as D. in spite of
37. She ____ modern art. She visits all the local exhibitions.
A. looks down on B. goes in for C. fixes up with D. comes up against
38. I didn’t see anyone but I felt as though I ____.
A. have been watched B. was being watched C. being watched D. am watched
39. After going to the zoo, the mall and the movies, Cassie was sick of ____ to entertain her nieces.
A. pushing the envelope B. turning the other cheek C. bending over backwards D. going against the grain
40. Helen: “This is your first trip abroad, isn’t it?” Peter: “____.”
A. No, I haven’t been there before B. No, it’s expensive
C. Yes, it sounds great D. Yes, so I’m looking forward to it

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  1. A. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.(1.5 pts)  
    26. C. condolences ( expressions of sympathy: xin chia buồn, thể hiện sự đồng cảm )
    27. C. friendly ( tobe friendly: thân thiện )
    28. D. correctly ( Chính phủ đã đưa ra cảnh báo cho các công ty địa phương rằng tất cả chất thải phải được xử lý đúng cách, nếu không họ sẽ bị phạt nặng. )
    29. A. both 
    30. B. interpreter ( thông dịch viên )
    31. A. due to ( Chúng tôi tin rằng nhờ những thay đổi gần đây trong luật của tiểu bang, phần lớn sinh viên sẽ kiếm được việc làm sau khi tốt nghiệp đại học )
    32. D. Enrollment ( Enrollment: việc đăng kí, việc ghi danh )
    33. B. Once ( Một khi ông Brown về hưu, ông sẽ nhận được khoản trợ cấp hàng năm hơn 50 nghìn đô la từ chính phủ. )
    34. C. Since ( Kể từ khi ông Parker thăng chức, nhiều đồng nghiệp của ông đã đến gặp ông để chúc mừng. )
    35. C. among ( among the top ten )
    36. B. nevertheless ( Tuy nhiên )
    37. B. goes in for ( looks down on: coi thường; goes in for: đam mê; fixes up with: sửa chữa; comes up against: đối mặt với )
    38. B. was being watched ( Tôi không nhìn thấy ai nhưng tôi cảm thấy như thể mình đang bị theo dõi )
    39. C. bending over backwards ( Sau khi đi đến sở thú, trung tâm mua sắm và xem phim, Cassie phát ốm vì phải cúi người về phía sau để giải trí cho các cháu gái của mình. )
    40. D. Yes, so I’m looking forward to it ( Phải, tôi rất mong chờ nó )

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