Change the following sentences into passive form. 1. My brother plays soccer twice a week. 2. Her mother doesn’t cook meals in the kitchen. 3. The c

By Amaya

Change the following sentences into passive form.
1. My brother plays soccer twice a week.
2. Her mother doesn’t cook meals in the kitchen.
3. The children often read stories in the evening.
4. They left hats and coats here.
5. Mother did not serve dinner.
6. They are eating a cake.
7. English people speak English.
8. People wear glasses.
9. The children drinks whisky
10. Our children keep a cat and a dog as pets.
11. A rooster does not lay eggs.

0 bình luận về “Change the following sentences into passive form. 1. My brother plays soccer twice a week. 2. Her mother doesn’t cook meals in the kitchen. 3. The c”

  1. 1. My brother plays soccer twice a week.

    =>Soccer is played by my brother twice a week

    2. Her mother doesn’t cook meals in the kitchen

    =>Meal was not cooked by her mother in the kitchen

    3. The children often read stories in the evening. 

    =>Stories often read by children in the evening

    4. They left hats and coats here.

    =>Hats and coats are left here 

    5. Mother did not serve dinner.

    =>Dinner was not served by my mother

    6. They are eating a cake.

    =>A cake is being eaten by them

    7. English people speak English.

    =>English is spoken by people english

    8. People wear glasses.

    =>Glasses are worn by people

    9. The children drinks whisky

    =>Whiskey is drunk by the children

    10. Our children keep a cat and a dog as pets.

    =>A cat and a dog is keeped by our children as pets

    11.A rooster does not lay eggs.

    =>Eggs are not laid by a rooster

    #Chúc hok tốt

    #Xin CTLHN chứ m mỏi tay lắm

    #Vivian Lee

    Trả lời
  2. 1. Soccer is played by my brother twice a week.

    2. Meals aren’t cooked in the kitchen by her mother.

    3. Stories are often read by the children in the evening.

    4. Hats and coats were left here.

    5. Dinner wasn’t served by mother.

    6. A cake is being eaten.

    7. English is spoken by English people.

    8. Glasses are worn.

    9. Whisky is drunk by the children.

    10. A cat and a dog is kept as pets by our childrne.

    11. Eggs aren’t laid by a rooster.

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