Cho mik xin bài tập T.A về câu ghép câu phức, verbs of liking, thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, so sánh hơn – nhất, mạo từ a-an-the, từ vựng trong unit 2 và 4,p

By aikhanh

Cho mik xin bài tập T.A về câu ghép câu phức, verbs of liking, thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, so sánh hơn – nhất, mạo từ a-an-the, từ vựng trong unit 2 và 4,phát âm các vần /ea/, /ei/, /ou/ đi ạ mơn nhiều!!!!

0 bình luận về “Cho mik xin bài tập T.A về câu ghép câu phức, verbs of liking, thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, so sánh hơn – nhất, mạo từ a-an-the, từ vựng trong unit 2 và 4,p”

  1. BT verbs of liking :

    My mother loves _______ food for my family.

    My grandmother _____ to plant flowers in the garden behind her house.

    Coco fancies _____ TV. He watches TV whenever he can.

    My sister hates  _______ with the dolls. It’s weird.

    I enjoy ______ with my dog. He’s so cute

    Tom prefers _______ computer games when he’s at home.

    Mary _______ reading Conan comics. She spends her free time on reading some volumes.

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    BT thì quá khứ tiếp diễn :

    BT : Chia động từ ở trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để hoàn thành câu

    1. I lost my keys when I ________ (walk) home. 
    2. It was raining while we ________ (have) dinner.
    3. I saw the department stores when I ________ (sit) on the bus.
    4. Her phone rang while she ________ (talk) to her new boss. 
    5. My friends ________ (drive) to work when they heard the news on the radio. 
    6. He ________ (ride) his bicycle when the cat ran across the road. 
    7. We couldn’t go to the beach yesterday because it ________. (rain) 
    8. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining and the birds ________ (sing) in the trees. 
    9. The tourist lost his camera while he  _____ (walk) around the city.
    10. The lorry  _____  (go) very fast when it hit our car

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    BT so sánh hơn – nhất :

    BT : Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của so sánh hơn. 

    1. Cats are ………… (intelligent) than rabbits.

    2. Lana is…………… (old) than John.

    3. China is far ………… (large) than the UK.

    4. My garden is a lot ………………. (colourful) than this park.

    5. Helen is …………… (quiet) than her sister.

    6. My Geography class is ……………. (boring) than my Math class.

    7. My Class is …………. (big) than yours.

    8. The weather this authumn is even ……………… (bad) than last authumn.

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    BT : Điền vào chỗ trống dạng đúng của so sánh nhất. 

    1 Who is the …….. (tall) person in your family?

    2 My mum is the ……… (good) cook in the world.

    December is the…….. (cold) month of the year in my country.

    4 What’s the………. (dangerous) animal in the world?

    5 Ethan is the ……… (happy) boy that I know.

    6 Where are the ………… (nice) beaches in your country?

    7 She bought the ………. (big) cake in the shop.

    8 Who is the ………… (famous) singer in your country?

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    BT mạo từ

    1. We are looking for _______ place to spend ________ night.

                A. the/the                   B. a/the           C. a/a              D. the/a

    2. Please turn off ________ lights when you leave ________ room.

                A. the/the                   B. a/a              C. the/a           D. a/the

    3. We are looking for people with ________experience.

                A. the                          B. a                 C. an               D. x

    4. Would you pass me ________ salt, please?

                A. a                             B. the              C. an               D. x

    5. Can you show me ________way to ________station?

                A. the/the                   B. a/a              C. the/a           D. a/the

    6. She has read ________interesting book.

                A. a                             B. an               C. the              D. x

    7. You’ll get ________shock if you touch ________ live wire with that screwdriver.

                A. an/the                    B. x/the          C. a/a              D. an/the

    8. Mr. Smith is ________ old customer and ________ honest man.

                A. An/the                   B. the/an        C. an/an          D. the/the

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    Từ vựng bài 2 , 4 

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