Chuyển từ câu gián tiếp sang câu trực tiếp: – Trang also asked me what I thought would happen to Earth in the future. – I said I didn’t know but that

By Lydia

Chuyển từ câu gián tiếp sang câu trực tiếp:
– Trang also asked me what I thought would happen to Earth in the future.
– I said I didn’t know but that Earth might be run by aliens!
giúp với ạ!!

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  1. “What do you think will happen to Earth in the future?-Trang also asked me.

    “I don’t know but this Earth might be run by aliens”-said me.

    *Chúc bạn học tốt!*

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  2. – Trang also asked me what I thought would happen to Earth in the future.->Trang also asked me”what do you think will happen to happen to Earth in the future”

    – I said I didn’t know but that Earth might be run by aliens!->i said”i don’t know but that Earth may be run by aliens”

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