ĐIỀN GIỚI TỪ THÍCH HỢP VÀO CÁC CÂU SAU 70. This will come in very useful _________her. 60. Won’t you join______the game? 69. My birthday is_____

By Amara

70. This will come in very useful _________her.
60. Won’t you join______the game?
69. My birthday is______the first______the month.
155. After many months of living in Canada he got accustomed_____the cold.
154. My brother wasn’t confident _____ passing the exam.
153. The lesson was difficult______us, but the teacher was capable______making us understand it thoroughly.
152. Was she aware_____not doing anything contrary____her parents’ expectations?
140. Teachers are responsible______the principal______their teaching.
135. Her voice sounds familiar__________me.
134. This work is not suitable__________him.
131. I’m interested_______current events.
129. Many young people want to be independent______their parents.
128. He is sad_______his son’s laziness.
126. Your words are contrary______your acts.
121. His opinion differs______mine.
122. She said that she had been absent_______school the day before.
123. There were crowds______people in the park yesterday.
124. The park was crowded______peopleễ
125. The convict escaped______prison.
126. I’m fed up______my job.
127. My parents are pleased______my result.
129. Mr Smith is very kind _____ us.
130. We are pleased______the result of our work.
131. We are confident______the success.
132. Most people are afraid______snakes.
133. Our country is rich______natural resources.
134. Hue is famous_______its historical vestiges.
115. Dirty air is harmful______health.
116. We are proud______our people’s heroic tradition.
117. The teacher’s advice is profitable______the students.
118. The streets are crowded______vehicles at the rush hour.
119. The climate of our country is favorable______agriculture.
120. The air at the seaside is good______health.
121. My friend is good______maths and physics.
123. This opportunity is lucky______us.
124. I’m not acquainted_______those fellows.
125. Mr Smith is not accustomed______hot weather.
126. Your words are contrary______your acts.

0 bình luận về “ĐIỀN GIỚI TỪ THÍCH HỢP VÀO CÁC CÂU SAU 70. This will come in very useful _________her. 60. Won’t you join______the game? 69. My birthday is_____”


    70. for

    60. in

    69. on / of

    155. to

    154. in

    153. for/of

    152. of / to

    140. for / on

    135. with 

    134. for

    131. in

    129. on

    128. about

    126. to

    121 . with

    122. from

    123. with

    124. with

    125. from

    126. with

    127. with

    129. of

    130. about 

    131. with

    132. of

    133. in

    134. for

    115. for

    116. of 

    117. to

    118. with

    119. of

    120. for

    121. at

    123. for 

    124. with 

    125. to 

    126. to

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