Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1.John (study)- until you’re finished- then we can go. 2.What do you want to do after the class (fi

By Eliza

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1.John (study)…. until you’re finished- then we can go.
2.What do you want to do after the class (finish) ….?
3.Jenny will come here after she (finish)…. work.
4.She’s going to look for a job as soon as she (arrive)…. in London.
5.I (give)… up smoking!
6.She (send)… me an email before she leaves the office today.

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  1. Đáp án:

    1 .John will study until you’re finished- then we can go.

    2. What do you want to do after the class  finishes?

    3. Jenny will come here after she finishes work.

    4. She’s going to look for a job as soon as she arrives in London.

    5. I will give up smoking!

    6. She will send me an email before she leaves the office today.

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