Làm một bài văn Tiếng Anh nói về bộ phim em yêu thích nhất ( Titanic) Hello everyone, today I =.. Giúp mik nhanh vs

By Eden

Làm một bài văn Tiếng Anh nói về bộ phim em yêu thích nhất ( Titanic)
Hello everyone, today I …………..
Giúp mik nhanh vs

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  1. Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you about my favourite film. It is Titanic – a romantic film. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Titanic is the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first vogaye. The main charecters are Jack Dawson and Rose Dewie. He saves Rose from  killing herself  during the journey on board the ship. Although they are from different social classes, and Rose is already engaged, they fall in love. The film has a sad ending: the Titanic sinks and more than a thousand people die in the disaster, including jack. I think Titanic is the best movie of the past centuries.



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  2. Hello everyone, today I want to talk about my favourite film. It’s Titanic- The film is about the love story of Rose Dewitt Bukater and Jack Dawson. Jack is a poor young man but he has a ticket to board the luxurious Titanic. Contrary to Jack, Rose comes from the American upper class. She met Jack in Titanic by chance and they fell deeply in love despite the great distance between them. However, the ship crashed into an iceberg on the way. The side of it broke up and the ship was flooded. Jack sacrificed himself for Rose. Critics suggest that we should see this film because it contains more content and meaning. I really love this film. 

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