My plane ………. about 2 hours ago. Let’s stay in the lobby then. A has left B left C leaves D is leaving

By Kylie

My plane ………. about 2 hours ago. Let’s stay in the lobby then.
A has left
B left
C leaves
D is leaving

0 bình luận về “My plane ………. about 2 hours ago. Let’s stay in the lobby then. A has left B left C leaves D is leaving”

  1. My plane ………. about 2 hours ago. Let’s stay in the lobby then.

    A has left

    B left

    C leaves

    D is leaving

    * Giải thích : dựa vào nghĩa của câu , ta thử từng từ vào câu và chỉ thấy đáp án B. left là đúng .

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