nghĩ ra các ý tưởng công nghệ rương lai giúp tránh bị language barrier: Cultural differences: a lack of communication channels: ko giống mạng nha

By Eva

nghĩ ra các ý tưởng công nghệ rương lai giúp tránh bị
language barrier:
Cultural differences:
a lack of communication channels:
ko giống mạng nha

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  1. Đáp án:

     – Language barrier: In future, we will have smart earphone that can translate every other languages into our languages with exactly what the others said
    – Cultural differences: We will have a lot of people from diversity country that bring with they unique cultural to travel our country that they can share with us or further away that technology can help us to joins a festival, ceremony at the moment in a very far distance from home to the other country so can make us enjoys and learn from it
    – a lack of communition channel: lack of communition is very disadvantage for study, working or making friends so Online is the answer for this conundrum. go to a café or restaurant sometime take us times and being at home, turn on the laptop, set up the camera and voice so that you can meeting your friends and work online or technology can bring you the smart glasses that you can still see the others from anywhere and they can see against you! this will make you have more chances more ways to community with world.
    – khá dài nếu cần bạn có thể copy ra gg dịch để hiểu rõ hơn về vấn đề nhé.

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