Present simple or present continuous 1. That man over there (look) at us 2. Those coulours (look) lovely on you 3. You (think) he’s telling a lie? 4.

By Rose

Present simple or present continuous
1. That man over there (look) at us
2. Those coulours (look) lovely on you
3. You (think) he’s telling a lie?
4. I haven’t decided yet. I still (think) about it.
5.They (have) a lesson at the moment.
6.We (have) a house in the countryside
7.This perfume (smell) fantastic.Why don’t you buy it?
8. Mum (feel) his forehead because he may have a temperature.
9. What’s the matter? You (sound) upset.
10. The population of India (grow) very fast.
Mọi người ơi giúp mình vớiii. 40 điểm đang chờ các bạn :((

0 bình luận về “Present simple or present continuous 1. That man over there (look) at us 2. Those coulours (look) lovely on you 3. You (think) he’s telling a lie? 4.”

  1. 1. looks ⇒ Present simple

    2. look 

    3. are thinking ⇒ present continuous 

    4. are thinking ⇒ present continuous < dấu hiệu nhận biết : yet >

    5. am having ⇒ present continuous < dấu hiệu nhận biết : at the moment >

    6. have ⇒ Present simple

    7. smell ⇒ Present simple

    8. is feeling ⇒ present continuous 

    9. are sounding ⇒ present continuous 

    10. are growing ⇒ present continuous 

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