Read the following passage and decide if it is T or F Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s en

By Lyla

Read the following passage and decide if it is T or F
Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them economically and try to find out allternative sources of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnharrm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal. oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.
However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power because it’s very dangerous.What would happen if there was a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.
The most effective thing ia that we should use natural resources as economical as possible.
Statements T/F
1.Natural resources will run out
2.The world’s energy resources are unlimited
3.We know exactly how muck fuel is left
4.We should use fuel economically
5.According to Professor Marvin Bunrnham, nuclear power will be used as a substitute for natural resources
6.Many people disagree to use nuclear as an alternative energy
7.Radioactivity from nuclear power causes vancer and and may have bad effect on the future generations
8.Natural resources should be used as economical as possinle

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  1. Read the following passage and decide if it is T or F


    2…F.. (Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited)

    3…F.. (Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left)







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  2. 1.T

    Dịch: vì nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên có thể cạn kiệt)


    The world’s energy resources are unlimited: Tài nguyên năng lượng của thế giới là vô hạn

    “Actually, the world’s energy resources are limited.” : Thực tế, nguồn năng lượng trên thế giới là có hạn, không ai biết chính xác lượng nhiên liệu còn lại là bao nhiêu.


    tương tự như ở câu 2 “không ai biết chính xác lượng nhiên liệu còn lại là bao nhiêu”


    The most effective thing ia that we should use natural resources as economical as possible:Điều hiệu quả nhất là chúng ta nên sử dụng tiết kiệm tài nguyên thiên nhiên nhất có thể.


    “According to Professor Marvin Burnharrm of the New England Institude of Technology, we have to start conserving coal. oil and gas before it is too late; and nuclear power is the only alternative.(Theo Giáo sư Marvin Bunrnham, năng lượng hạt nhân sẽ được sử dụng thay thế cho các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên) ở trong đoạn văn cho bik điều đó


    vì nó rất nguy hiểm (đc nêu trong đoạn 2 câu đầu)


    “Radioactivity causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations.”(Phóng xạ gây ung thư và có thể ảnh hưởng xấu đến thế hệ tương lai.) trong đoạn văn số hai cho t bik nha

    8. T  

    xin hay nhất với ạ!

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