Reorder the words to make quétions 1 you / what /do / did 2 you / did /go / when 3 there /get/how /you/ did 4 stay /you /did /how long 5 leave / you

By Reagan

Reorder the words to make quétions
1 you / what /do / did
2 you / did /go / when
3 there /get/how /you/ did
4 stay /you /did /how long
5 leave / you/ did/ why

0 bình luận về “Reorder the words to make quétions 1 you / what /do / did 2 you / did /go / when 3 there /get/how /you/ did 4 stay /you /did /how long 5 leave / you”

  1. 1 you / what /do / did

    ⇒ What did you do ?

    2  you / did /go / when

    ⇒ When did you go ?

    3 there /get/how /you/ did

    ⇒ How did you get there ?

    4 stay /you /did /how long

    ⇒ How long you did stay ?

    5 leave / you/ did/ why

    ⇒ Why you leave did ?

    Trả lời
  2. 1)  What did you do ?

    2)  When did you go ?

    3)   How did you get there ?

    4)  How long you did stay ?

    5)  Why you leave did ?

    chúc bạn học tốt^_^

    cho mik ctlhn nha!!!

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