Tìm các vựng mới ở bài trên I am lucky enough to have a lot of friends. Of all my friends, Bao, Khai, and Song are the ones I spend most of my time wi

By Kinsley

Tìm các vựng mới ở bài trên
I am lucky enough to have a lot of friends. Of all my friends, Bao, Khai, and Song are the ones I spend most of my time with. Each of us, however, has a different character.
I am not as outgoing as Bao, but I enjoy telling jokes. My friends usually enjoy my sense of humor. However, sometimes my jokes annoy them.
Although we have quite different characters, the four of us are very close friends.

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    I am lucky enough to have a lot of friends. Of all my friends, Bao, Khai, and Song are the ones I spend most of my time with. Each of us, however, has a different character. I am not as outgoing as Bao, but I enjoy telling jokes. My friends usually enjoy my sense of humor. However, sometimes my jokes annoy them. Although we have quite different characters, the four of us are very close friends.


    character:nhân vật

    humor:hài hước

    joke:trò đùa

    sense:giác quan

    outgoing:Hướng ngoại,Hòa đồng

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  2. -Each of us:Mỗi người trong chúng tôi

    -However:Tuy nhiên

    -Character(adj)Tính cách

    -Different:Khác nhau

    -Outgoing:Hướng ngoại,Hòa đồng

    -Telling jokes:Nói đùa

    -Sense of humor:Tính khôi hài

    -Annoy;Khó chịu,bực bội

    -Close friends:Những người bạn thân

    chúc em học tốt!!!!!!!!

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