TRả lời câu hỏi 1.Why shouldn’t we run down the stairs? 2.Why should we eat a lot of vegetables and fruit? 3.What would you like to do in the futur

By Jade

TRả lời câu hỏi
1.Why shouldn’t we run down the stairs?
2.Why should we eat a lot of vegetables and fruit?
3.What would you like to do in the future?

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  1. 1. Because you may break your legs if you are not careful.

    2. Because fruits provide us with vitamin C and helps us not get constipated.

    3. I want to have a lot of money in the future to buy a house.



    Trả lời
  2. 1. Because we will break our leg.

    2. Because they help we more healthier. Fruits can have vitamin C for take care of our teeth.

    3. I’d like to be an astronaut.
    cho xin hn lấy động lực ạ!!!

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