Trắc nghiệm It is rather ironic that the rhinoceros, in mud or dust to protect itself from sunburn. A. having an armor-plated hide to bathe B. with it

By Amaya

Trắc nghiệm
It is rather ironic that the rhinoceros, in mud or dust to protect itself from sunburn.
A. having an armor-plated hide to bathe
B. with its armo-plated hide, must bathe
C. bathing with its armore-plated hide
D. with an armor-plated hide it must bathe

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  1.   It is rather ironic that the rhinoceros, in mud or dust to protect itself from sunburn.

    ( Thật là trớ trêu khi con tê giác lại ở trong bùn hoặc bụi để bảo vệ mình khỏi bị cháy nắng. )

    C. bathing with its armore-plated hide

    ( tắm với bộ da được mại armore của nó )


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