Viết 1 đoạn văn khoảng 100 từ về phương tiện trong tương lại ở Unit 11- English 7 Giúp mình zới

By Iris

Viết 1 đoạn văn khoảng 100 từ về phương tiện trong tương lại ở Unit 11- English 7
Giúp mình zới

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  1. I think in the future there will be many modern means of transport such as speed trains, trains, submarines, airplanes, space trains, unmanned vehicles….. But my favorite vehicle is the airplane because it is beautiful and environmentally friendly, especially when it gets too much traffic, it can fly to the sky so that we can move faster and without losing much time. We can also use it to tour the sky. It is the perfect combination between cars and planes. It has a drawback as it is very expensive so not many people use it. If I have a lot of money in the future, I’ll buy one to take my family to the sky and more places in the world.

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  2. @Nguyên_

    In the future, according to the continuous development of science and technology, whether the appearance, features and fuel of new vehicles, or the concept and form of transport, there will be many changes. important. For example, cars used for both on land, under water and in the air that are completely computer controlled will be born. When you get stuck on the road, it can fly up automatically, when you get to the coast, it can run directly into the sea, like yachts. The speed of the train in the future will exceed the speed of sound, typically a superconducting magnetic cushion train, combined with a special vacuum tunnel, the speed of the train will exceed 1000 km/h, At that time, many people will choose train rather than plane as the means of transportation.


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