Viết đoạn văn về chủ đề: Should we keep animals in the zoo? Why / Why not

By Raelynn

Viết đoạn văn về chủ đề: Should we keep animals in the zoo? Why / Why not

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  1. Tớ ko biết viết về chủ đề này nhưng tớ bt tại sao thôi 

    Tại vì : The reason why people think that keeping animals in zoos is not good for their welfare: animals are deprived of their natural habitat. The animals may not have enough room. … animals are forced to be close to other species and humans, which may not be natural for it.

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  2. In my opinion,I think we should keep animals in the zoo. because:

    • There are more chances of endangered species surviving due to no natural threat
    • Scientists can study diseases that kill species and invent cures
    • In a world, where nature and lands are being destroyed it gives the animals a safe haven
    • People can see animals that they will probably never see again in their life time
    • It is a great way to educate children that we are not the only inhabitants of the planet

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