Viết một đoạn văn ngắn bằng Tiếng Anh kể về tương lai của em

By Athena

Viết một đoạn văn ngắn bằng Tiếng Anh kể về tương lai của em

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  1. Life in the future has always been an interesting topic for every generation. We tend to think that the futuristic world must be like in those scientific movies with flying cars, serving robots, smart houses, modern gadgets etc. However, we might not pay enough attention to realize that the future is now. There are already serving robots in a lot of restaurants in Japan or the US, smart apartments with interactive households are everywhere, and some models of the flying cars are being simulated. Many people had already been so familiar with that futuristic lifestyle, and I think it will not take too much time for those things to become popular. Maybe where we live does not have such advanced things, but if we try to step out to the open world, we will see that technology is actually far from what we can possibly think of. We can be satisfied with what we have at the moment, but it must be great if we have a chance to experience the futuristic and high standard life that we have always dreamed of.

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  2. Since I was a little girl, people had been asking me about my dream career, and I have always wanted to be an English teacher. English is my favorite subject, and I feel that being a teacher is a very reasonable thing. However, I prefer teaching at private English center rather than a public school. I like to teach in English centers with many colleagues from all over the world. English is the international language that connects many countries, so I will continue to search and expand my relationships with people all over the world. An open working environment is totally suitable with my open and outgoing characteristic. English is increasingly becoming the most popular language, and I will use what I have learned to teach people who are in need. A teacher is a profession that requires a lot of specialized knowledge as well as fixed qualities. I observed all of the teachers who had taught me, and besides learning the compulsory subjects, I also secretly studied more about each person’s teaching methods. A good teacher does not only impart the necessary knowledge, but also has to be relevant to the job of guiding others. If I want to be a teacher, I will have to improve my patience, generosity and confidence in speaking to many people. I need to seriously cultivate the necessary qualities in addition to the specialized knowledge in order to gain the respect of the student. The way I need to go towards my dream career is still very long, and I am sure that I will always learn new and necessary things to be able to be a good English teacher.

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