Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about how people in your family save energy You should base on the suggestions below: -What kind of energy does your

By Jasmine

Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about how people in your family save energy
You should base on the suggestions below:
-What kind of energy does your family save?
-How do you save them?
-What are the good points about saving these kinds of energy?

0 bình luận về “Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about how people in your family save energy You should base on the suggestions below: -What kind of energy does your”

  1.                                              Task

    Today, more and more energy is being depleted. We need to save energy because none of us can live without energy. So why don’t we get it done in our own home?
    Energy created from natural sources such as the sun, wind, rain and tides is called renewable energy. They are very abundant and can be reproduced over and over again. They have low carbon emissions so they are very environmentally friendly. Furthermore, using renewable energy can reduce household electricity bills. But it’s a pity that solar energy can only be used during the day, not at night or during the rainy season. There are energies that cannot be renewed and cannot be used many times that are called non-renewable energies. Non-renewable energies are energy taken from different sources and they are available on earth in limited terms and will be depleted in the future. They cannot be renewed in the short term, real estate fuels – natural gas, oil and coal are examples of them. They are quite cheap and very easy to use. However, when burned or exploded, they can release toxic gases and enter fresh air, often causing serious environmental changes such as global warming. And it is important that non-renewable resources expire one day.
    As such, we need to use clean and renewable energy sources to save the earth from air pollution or global warming, …

    Please give me 5 * and thanks ! ☺☺☺

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