You are going to read a passage. Five sentences have been removed from the article. From the sentences A-E, choose the one which fits each gap 1 – 5.W

By Ximena

You are going to read a passage. Five sentences have been removed from the article. From the sentences A-E, choose the one which fits each gap 1 – 5.Write your answers in the space provided.
We hear a lot of today about climate change.(1)__________ TV programmes are made about it. Greenhouse gases like CO2(Carbon dioxide), are released into the atmosphere. The sun’s heat is trapped by these gases and gradually the world is getting warmer.
Scientists believe that, as a resutl, the ice caps will melt,(2)____________ We will also see more extreme weather , such as hurricanes, heavy rain, and deforestation. A lot of greenhouse gases are produced when fossil fuels are burnt by power stations factories, cars and aeroplanes.
However,(3)_____________. The world’s forests- especially the tropical rainforests of South America, Africa and South – East Asia – are very important for the Earth’s climate. But every year, over 200,000 square kilometres of forests are destroyed. That’s an area the size of Britain.
In some cases,(4)_________________. It’s used for buildings and funiture. However, in many cases, the land is wanted for farms. The trees are just burnt down, and billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. Twenty- five percent of all CO2 is produced by deforestation. If you want to save the planet, (5)__________________.
A. the biggest cause is deforestation
B. You must save the forests
C. the trees are cut down and the wood are taken away
D. Thousands of articles are written about it in newspapers and magazines
E. sea levels will rise and many islands and coasts will disappear under the water

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  1. You are going to read a passage. Five sentences have been removed from the article. From the sentences A-E, choose the one which fits each gap 1 – 5. Write your answers in the space provided.

    1. D. Thousands of articles are written about it in newspapers and magazines.

    ( Hàng nghìn bài báo viết về nó trên các tờ báo và tạp chí )

    2. E. sea levels will rise and many islands and coasts will disappear under the water.

    ( Mực nước biển sẽ dâng cao và nhiều hòn đảo và bờ biển sẽ biến mất dưới mặt nước )

    3. A. the biggest cause is deforestation

    ( Mối nguy hại lớn nhất là nạn phá rừng. )

    4. C. the trees are cut down and the wood are taken away

    ( Cây bị chặt và gỗ bị lấy đi )

    5. B. You must save the forests.

    ( Bạn phải cứu những khu rừng.

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