1. A doctor is a man_______ helps cure people A. who B. which C. where D. whose 2. I like reading books ______ tell about different peoples and their

By Eden

1. A doctor is a man_______ helps cure people
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
2. I like reading books ______ tell about different peoples and their cultures.
A. who B. whom C. which D. where
3. “Buy me a dictionary on your way back,______?”
A. will you B. don’t you C. can’t you D. are you
4. My father is a very _______ driver. He never has any accidents.
A. carelessly B. carefully C. careful D. careless
5: “Why do you come here late?”, she asked me.
A. She asked me why I came there late. B. She asked me why I come there late.
C. She asked me why I came here late. D. She asked me why you came there late.
6. Mary asked me if I _______ to school on foot or by bike the day after.
A. go B . would go C . went D. had gone
7 The weather was awful_______ we had to cancel our trip.
A. so B. but C. however D. although
8. Do you live in a __________________ house in the city ?
A. three floors B. three-floors C. three -floor D. floor-three
9. “ Thank for your help, Judy”- “_______
A.You are welcome B. with all my heart C. never mind me D. same to you
10. Scientists and engineers have invented devices to remove ______ from industrial wastes.
A. polluted B. pollute C. polluting D. pollutants

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