1.Kate==…(not join) us next Friday; she will be taking exams that day. 2.A: What are your plans for the holiday? B: I–.

By Lyla

1.Kate………………………(not join) us next Friday; she will be taking exams that day.
2.A: What are your plans for the holiday?
B: I…………………………..(visit) my grandparents and then go trekking in Sapa.
3.A: I can’t fix the problem in my computer, Jason.
B: Alright. I……………………………..(take) a look at it.
4.What are you doing? The car engine has just broken. It……………………(not work).
5.I……………………(take) you out for ice-cream as long as you get an At on your Math test.
6.Do you think they…………………….(win) the championship?
7.A: Do you want to have the pork or the beef?
B: I think we……………………….(have) the beef, please.
8.According to schedule, rice and clothes………………………(be) distributed to nine poorest communes in the next project.

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