21. I haven’t been to a Chinese restaurant for ages.  It’s age _________________________________________________________________ 22. The last time Na

By Kinsley

21. I haven’t been to a Chinese restaurant for ages.
 It’s age _________________________________________________________________
22. The last time Nancy came here was in 1986.
 Nancy hasn’t ____________________________________________________________
23. It’s a long time since our last conversation.
 We ____________________________________________________________________
24. “I think you should go by train.” He told us.
 He advised ______________________________________________________________
25. Julia cleaned the house. Then she went shopping.
 After __________________________________________________________________
26. Jim was travelling in Paris. He met his old friends there.
 While __________________________________________________________________
27. First Jane checked all the prices. Then she bought a new car.
 Jane bought _____________________________________________________________
Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le 0986.08.05.88
28. Jack went to Vietnam in 2002. He returned home in 2005.
 Jack ___________________________________________________________________
29. They finished work and then left the office.
 They __________________________________________________________________
30. We started learning English about 5 years ago.
 We’ve _________________________________________________________________

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