23. We are very worried _______ A. when is our grandfather going to die B. as that our grandfather is going to die C. what our grandfather is going to

By Sadie

23. We are very worried _______
A. when is our grandfather going to die
B. as that our grandfather is going to die
C. what our grandfather is going to die
D. that our grandfather is going to die
24. It is a fallacy to assume _______
A. the burglars not climb a wall without a ladder
B. that burglars cannot climb a wall without a ladder
C. that burglars not to climb a wall without a ladder
D. can burglars climb a wall without a ladder
25. _______ will determine _______
A. How much have experience you got / if can you work here
B. How much have experience you got / if you can work here
C. How much experience you have got / if you can work here
D. How much experience you have got / if can you work here
26. You should be aware _______
A. of how your eating is related with your stress level
B. how your eating is related with your stress level
C. of how is your eating related with your stress level
D. is how your eating is related with your stress level
27. A long vacation is _______
A. what Susan needs B. Susan needs
C. what does Susan need D. that Susan needs
28. Frankly speaking, _______ makes us very happy.
A. how are you here B. what are you here
C. you are here D. that you are here
29. All the students wanted to know _______
A. why did the teacher suddenly leave the classroom
B. why did the teacher suddenly leave the classroom?
C. why the teacher suddenly left the classroom.
D. why the teacher suddenly left the classroom?
30. The police asked me _______
A. I lived where B. did I live where
C. where did I live D. where I lived
31. It is unclear _______
A. whether he shot himself or was murdered
B. that he shot himself or was murdered
C. if did he shoot himself or was murdered
D. whether was he shot himself or murdered
32. _______ is _______
A. What bothers me / that my friend is so talkative
B. What do I bother / my friend is so talkative
C. How bothers me / that my friend Is so talkative
D. How do I bother / my friend is so talkative
33. I was not sure _______
A. which would you like B. you would like it
C. whether you would like it D. whether would you like it
34. Can you guess _______?
A. what is his occupation B. what his occupation is
C. that his occupation is D. that is his occupation
35. _______ is your own business.
A. Do you do B. What will do after school
C. What do you do after school D. What you do after school
36. _______ did not surprise us.
A. Peter failed his exam B. Peter failed his exam that
C. that Peter failed his exam D. Peter failed his exam, that
37. Mrs. Kramer rang half an hour ago to ask _______.
A. her cake was ready B. if her cake was ready
C. was her cake ready D. that was her cake ready
38. _______ depends mostly on her test scores.
A. Whether she goes to college B. Whether does she go to college
C. If does she go to college D. That if she goes to college
39. A good coach never reveals to other teams _______
A. what his team’s weaknesses are B. his team’s weaknesses are
C. that his team’s weaknesses are D. that are his team’s weaknesses
40. _______ is a mystery.
A. Why isn’t he here today B. Why isn’t he here today?
C. Why he isn’t here today D. Why he isn’t here today?
41. Your wage depends on _______
A. how do you work B. how you work C. you work D. do you work
42. _______ is not as important as _______
A. How many you have read books / do you understand what you have read
B. How many have books you read / whether you understand have what you read
C. Books you have read / you understand what you have read
D. How many books you have read / whether you understand what you have read
43. I asked myself _______
A. whether is margarine healthier than butter
B. is that margarine healthier than butter
C. if margarine is healthier than butter
D. that margarine is healthier than butter or not
44. Scientists have long wondered _______
A. which parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks
B. parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks
C. which are parts of the brain involved in musical tasks
D. are parts of the brain involved in musical tasks
45. Please tell me _______
A. why you look so worried. B. why do you so worried.
C. why do you look so worried? D. you look so worried why
46. _______ is none of your business.
A. If happened between Julius and me B. That happened between Julius and
C. Happening between Julius and me D. Whatever happened between Julius
and me
47. He asked me _______
A. what the weather was B. what was the weather like
C. what the weather was like D. what the weather like
48. No one is really sure _______
A. whether did he resign B. that he resign
C. why he resigned D. why did he resign
49. He seemed to be unaware of _______
A. what happening around him was B. what was happening around him
C. what around him was happening D. what happening around him
50. John thought _______
A. that he had seen a ghost B. had he seen a ghost
C. how can he see a ghost D. when had he seen a ghost

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