41. “Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?” said Robert. A. Robert suggested helping Carlo with the dishes. B. Robert suggested to help Carlo do the

By Margaret

41. “Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?” said Robert.
A. Robert suggested helping Carlo with the dishes.
B. Robert suggested to help Carlo do the dishes.
C. Robert offered Carlo to help do the dishes.
D. Robert offered to help Carlo do the dishes.
42. He smokes too much; perhaps that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.
A. If he didn’t smoke so much, he may get rid of his cough.
B. If he smoked less, he might be able to get rid of his cough.
C. If he smoked so much, he couldn’t get rid of his cough.
D. If he does not smoke, he may not have his cough.
43. “I have never been to Russia. I think I shall go there next year.” said Bill.
A. Bill said that he had never been to Russia and he thought he would go there the next
B. Bill said that he would have never been to Russia and he thinks he would go there
the next year.
C. Bill said that he had never been to Russia and he thinks he will go there the next
D. Bill said that he has never been to Russia and he thinks he would go there the next
44. The car was very expensive and he couldn’t afford it.
A. The car was expensive so that he couldn’t buy it.
B. The car was too expensive for him to buy.
C. He was rich enough to buy the car.
D. He was so poor but he bought the car.
45. She tried very hard to pass the driving test. She could hardly pass it.
A. Although she didn’t try hard to pass the driving test, she could pass it.
B. She tried very hard, so she passed the driving test satisfactorily.
C. No matter how hard she tried, she could hardly pass the driving test.
D. Despite being able to pass the driving test, she didn’t pass it.

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