Thầy/cô dựa vào những tiêu chí đánh giá nào để lựa chọn, sử dụng PP, KTDH của một chủ đề trong môn GDTC?

By Lyla

Thầy/cô dựa vào những tiêu chí đánh giá nào để lựa chọn, sử dụng PP, KTDH của một chủ đề trong môn GDTC?

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  1. Based on 4 evaluation criteria 

    Criterion 1: The suitability of a series of learning activities with the used teaching objectives, contents and methods.


    – The series of students’ learning activities includes many specific learning activities that are built sequentially to achieve the item


    – The teaching objectives have been identified in the teaching plan, including the goals of specific competencies as well as major qualities and general competencies. Usually, learning activities are designed based on the foundation of teaching methods and need to ensure the characteristics of that method. It is important that the methods have a good response to teaching objectives and topic / lesson content.

    Criterion 2: The clarity of objectives, content, organizational techniques and products to be achieved for each learning task.


    – This criterion emphasizes the application of teaching skills, which are the methods to effectively organize each learning activity, in which students perform specific learning tasks. It should be noted that each learning activity should have specific and clear teaching objectives. Through the teaching skills applied by teachers, students actively and actively participate in activities to complete learning products, which are proof of the results of students’ competencies and qualities. These learning products can be questions, quizzes, study journals, study cards, exchange questions, group discussion results, … Learning products are selected on a responsive basis. the right teaching objectives combine closely with the content, methods, teaching skills.

    Criterion 3: The suitability level of teaching equipment and learning materials used to organize learning activities of students.


    – This standard click the selection and use the method, device and learning material in activity.


    – It is necessary to apply active teaching skills for students to use the means and materials effectively to complete learning products.


    Criterion 4: The system manages the degree of testing and evaluation methods in the process of students’ organizational activities


    – This key press strong on the method check rating in each activity of the learning process. The assessment tools should be suitable for the selected methods and teaching skills, not only are learning product evaluation tools at the end of learning activities, but also event evaluation tools.


    – Participate in students’ activities, including the whole assessment of the level of achievement in terms of PC and capacity that has been set in the goal….

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  2. They will consider:

    + How effective it is?

    + How can student get used to it?

    + Can this way brings benefits to both teachers and students?

    + The difficulties of this method

    + The advantages of this method

    + Have anyone used this method successfully?

    + Have any accidents happened while using this method?

    + The suggestions and recommendations 

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