Ahmed Malik (0) …sell… (sell) newspapers and sweets from his shop in north London. He (1) ===. (have) the shop fo

By Rylee

Ahmed Malik (0) …sell… (sell) newspapers and sweets from his shop in north London. He (1)
………………………………. (have) the shop for thirty years. His wife (2) ……………………………….
(work) in the shop with him and they (3) ………………………………. (employ) two assistants. In 2005,
they (4) ………………………………. (buy) another shop in another part of London and their son now (5)
………………………………. (manage) that for them.
Emily Saunders is the head of English in a large secondary school. ‘I (6) ……………………………….
(come) to this school ten years ago as a teacher,’ she told us. ‘Since last September, I (7)
………………………………. (be) head of the English department. I (8) ………………………………. (not
teach) as many classes as I used to, but I have other responsibilities. It’s a very good school and I’m
very happy here.’
David O’Brien is a driver for the Post Office. ‘I (9) ………………………………. (collect) mail from
post offices in my van. I (10) ………………………………. (work) for the Post Office for twenty-three
years. I was a postman until 1990 and then I (11) ………………………………. (get) my own van. I (12)
………………………………. (enjoy) the job more since I became a driver. It’s more responsible and you
don’t get wet!’

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