Giúp mik vs ạ, mik đang cần. Cảm ơn nhìu 1. It’s been raining…..all day and the streets are flooded. (steadily / fully / firmly / strongly) 2. My wa

By Amaya

Giúp mik vs ạ, mik đang cần. Cảm ơn nhìu
1. It’s been raining…..all day and the streets are flooded. (steadily / fully / firmly / strongly)
2. My way of doing the job is..…to yours. (suitable / preferable / productive / brilliant)

3. Sixteen is a very..…age. (impressing / impressive / impressionable / impression) 4.Clever boys need never work very hard,…..? (needn’t they / need they / don’t they / do they)
5. I’m very angry with Sue and I’ll give her a/an…..when I meet her. (handful / mouthful / armful / earful)
6. In one..…, studying abroad could offer much benefit. (conclusion / word / summary / sentence)
7. We were… the fact that they would miss the flight. (dejected / resigned / depressed / disillusioned)
8. There’s been very little difference..…price since last year. (from / in / between / about)

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