Gíúp mình với, mình cần trước 5h30 ạ !!! viết 1 đoạn ngắn (Khoảng từ 3- 4) câu thôi nói về chủ đề
“Which soft skill do Vietmanese teenager need most ? ”
Gíúp mình với, mình cần trước 5h30 ạ !!! viết 1 đoạn ngắn (Khoảng từ 3- 4) câu thôi nói về chủ đề
“Which soft skill do Vietmanese teenager need most ? ”
It is a undeniable that the importance of social skills in modern life. This is a important element to become a successful person. I think it is true because of several reasons below. Firstly, It helps us have more social relasionships . As many people know, you can’t advance very far in life without being able to leverage relationships, we can get advances from it. For example, if you have a good relationship in your life, you will get a golden opportunity to find a good job with high salary and make new friends and give you an outlook on life. Secondly, social skills also is necessary to have a good communication in your job. As most people admit,when we have social skills . It’s a vital factor to build a good and long-lasting communication. Many people have success in their life baesd on social skills.We are not undoubtable about social skill will help us to promote in job,…to become more confident in communication and presentation in the crowd. One of the most importance of social skill that your life will be more happy, you are not disappointed about yourself as well as your life. You will feel that your life have many meaningful things . Nevertheless, to develop all of these aspects of prosperity ‘s life , we need learn more to fulfill yourself. Thus, you will become the people live have the aim. Social skills is so necessary and important in life. We have to learn from reality and others to have a good and beneficial in life.