Giups em với ạ em cảm ơn Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given. 1. He broke my watch. A. My watch were broken. B. My watch be bro

By Piper

Giups em với ạ em cảm ơn
Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given.
1. He broke my watch.
A. My watch were broken.
B. My watch be broken.
C. My watch is broken.
D. My watch was broken.
2. The teacher explained the rule to the student.
A. The rule was explained to the student.
B. The students were explained the rule.
C. The students were explained the rules.
D. A and B are correct
3. He often asks me to help him.
A. He is often asked to help them.B.
They are often asked to help me.
C. I am often asked to help him.
D. I am often asked him to help me.
4. His friends never forgave his betrayal.
A. His betrayal were never forgiven by his friends.
B. His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends.
C. His betrayal was never forgave by his friends .
D. His betrayal never forgave by his friends.
5. I am sure we’ll settle the matter easily.
A. I’m sure the matter will settle easily.
B. I’m sure the matter will be settled easily.
C. I’m sure the matter will settled easily.
D. I’m sure the matter won’t be settled easily.
6. We sent him to the police.
A. The police was sent to him.
B. He was sent to the police.
C. The police were sent for him.
D. The police was sent for us
7. They speak much about this book.
A. This book is much spoken about.
B. This book is much spoken.
C. This book is much about spoken.
D. This book are much spoken about.
8. Have they tested all the machines?
A. Have all the machines be tested?
B. Have all the machines been testing?
C. Have all the machines been tested?
D. Have all the machines been being testing?
9. Does he realize that they are laughing at him?
A. Is he realized that he is laughing at?
B. Is he realized that he is being laughed at?
C. Does he realize that he is laughing at?
D. Does he realize that he is being laughed at?
10. The manager offers me several jobs.
A. I was offers several jobs.
B. I am offered several jobs.
C. Several jobs are offered to me.
D. B and C are correct.
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1. “What a beautiful shirt you’re wearing!” “Thank you. It …………… especially for me by my mother.” *
A. is made
B. has made
C. made
D. was made
2. I don’t understand why the students didn’t keep silent while the speech …………
A. has been made
B. was made
C. would be made
D. was being made
3. This is the first time I have seen this car. Where ………………?
A. did it make
B. did it made
C. was it make
D. was it made
4. Today, many serious childhood diseases ……………….. by early immunization.
A. are preventing
B. can prevent
C. prevent
D. can be prevented
5. Whole-grain food products …………….. in most large supermarkets across the United States and Canada.
A. now can purchase
B. can now be purchased
C. now to purchase
D. the purchase of which
6. All that rubbish will have to be …………. at once.
A. get rid of
B. got rid of
C. got rid on
D. getting rid of
7. “What happened to the postman?” “He …………………. to a new town to work.”
A. has sent
B. was send
C. was sent
D. sent
8. Excuse me. Is this seat………………?
A. taking
B. took
C. occupy
D. taken
9. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ………………. .
A. we are following
B. we are being followed
C. we are followed
D. we are being following
10. We’re late. The film ……………… by the time we get to the cinema.
A. will already start
B. will be already started
C. will already have started
D. will be starting

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