Have you ever read any horror fiction novels? KO COPY TRÊN MẠNG , TỰ TRẢ LỜI GIÚP MIK NHÉ , TRẢ LỜI ĐẦY ĐỦ VÀ NGẮN THÔI

Have you ever read any horror fiction novels? KO COPY TRÊN MẠNG , TỰ TRẢ LỜI GIÚP MIK NHÉ , TRẢ LỜI ĐẦY ĐỦ VÀ NGẮN THÔI

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  1. Pet Sematary, by Stephen King
    Pet SematarySeveral of King’s books could be on this list, but he frequently blunts the terror of his stories with the richness and humanity of his characterizations and the sprawl of his narratives. Pet Sematary manages to be his most terrifying novel by dint of its simple, devastating concept: a magical cemetery where buried things come back to a sort-of life—but aren’t quite what they once were. From that simple idea King ramps up to a climax that gets under your skin in a fundamental way most horror stories fail to.

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