Homeopathy (feels / suggests / seems / shows)1 _____ to have gained a lot more respectability in society than a number of GPs believe it really deserv

By Kinsley

Homeopathy (feels / suggests / seems / shows)1 _____ to have gained a lot more respectability in society than a number of GPs believe it really deserves. (Except / Although / However / Despite)2 _____ there being no evidence that it is effective, according to a recent UK government report, many prominent people (maintain / keep / carry / continue)3 _____ to support it. In view of this, perhaps the most surprising fact of all is that homeopathy is offered (as / from / on / to)4 _____ treatment on the NHS National Health Service} in the UK. Like many other alternative forms of medicine, homeopathy has become so accepted (until / that / enough / when)5 _____ there are few who question its use. People have become (accustomed / familiar / acquainted / fond)6 _____ to seeing homeopathy as a treatment for illness and disease. However, many researchers insist (for / on / by / in)7 _____ claiming that it is not a valid treatment because the medicines contain no active ingredients. The real question is why it is so popular. Many patients swear that it was an effective cure (off / by / for / in) 8 _____ their disease whilst the report maintains this is simply (due / up / result / because)9 _____ to the placebo effect. In other words, just the act of taking the medicine is a good enough reason for patients to (have / start / get / become)10 _____ feeling better. In short, while homeopathy may be useful for helping people get over minor illnesses, it is (regarded / referred / recovered / recommended)11 _____ that anyone with serious illnesses should seek out conventional treatment.

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