IV. Choose the best option [A, B or C] to each space. 1. Every morning, i alaways … to school at 6.30 and … home at about 11:30.A.go;come B.goes;c

By Eva

IV. Choose the best option [A, B or C] to each space.
1. Every morning, i alaways … to school at 6.30 and … home at about 11:30.A.go;come B.goes;comes C.go;comes
2. While i … at school, my Mum … to the market.A.study;go B.am studying;is going C.study;is going
3. At break time, i … to the library and … books.A.read;go B.goes;reads C.go;read
4. I usually … to school by bike, and my mother … to work by motornike.A.go;go B.goes;goes C.go;goes
5. When i … books, i alaways … very happy.A.read;feel B.reads;feel C.reads;feels

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