Mong các cao nhân làm giúp :> SUBJECT : Past Perfect Tense Quá khứ hoàn thành là thì quá khứ của quá khứ : S + HAD + P2 I) Supply a suitable SIMPLE

By Raelynn

Mong các cao nhân làm giúp :>
SUBJECT : Past Perfect Tense Quá khứ hoàn thành là thì quá khứ của quá khứ : S + HAD + P2
1. I ……………. (worry) a lot about her before I ……….. (hear) that she was safe.
2. I I didn’t like the flat. It ……………….. (be) much smaller than I …………….. (think) at first.
3. He told us he ……………….. (shoot) a big tiger.
4. They …………………. (drink) tea after they …………………………. (finish) dinner.
5. She ……. just …….. (fold) the pink apron and placed it in a table drawer when the door ……… (open) and Joe …………. (enter).
6. The police wanted to know why he ……………………….. (bring) a gun to school.
7. After he ……………. (work) at the hospital for two years he ………….. (decide) to give up the job.
8. When I …………..…. (arrive) at the party John …………. already ……….. (go) home.
9. We ………………… (wait) until the match ………………….. (finish).
10. They ……………… (leave) the room before the meeting ……………… (finish).
11. I …………………. (buy) a new camera before I …………………. (go) to London.
12. I ………….. just ……………(turn off) the lights when the telephone ………… (ring).
1. …………. he ……….. (know) her for a long time before they …………………… (get) married?
2. He …………………. (drive) down the hotel where they …………………. (spend) their honeymoon years ago.
3. When we …………… (get) to the station the train …………………… (already / leave).
4. He ……………. (sit) at a table by the window where he ………….. (have) a meal with Jane.
5. Why ………. he …………… (not / ask) her to wait and think again before she ………….. (leave) Paris.
6. He was wondering why he ………………… (let) her leave so easily.
7. He knew he …………………………(earn) that money with a great difficulty.
8. After they ………… (go), he ……….. (sit) down and ……………… (light) a cigarette.
9. He …………………….. (have to) go to work by bus because his car ……………. (break) down.
10. He …………………… (angry) before he ……………… (hear) my offer.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense.
1. Bad driving_______ (cause) many accidents. 2. Nga and Hoa___________ (see) a movie tonight.
3. Sue can _______ (speak) Vietnamese very well. 4. Mozart_______ (write) more than 600 pieces of music.
5. ‘How ______ you ___________ (learn) to drive?’ ‘My father _____________(teach) me.’
6. We usually____________(go) to the library three times a week, but last week we ________(go) twice.
7. Alexander Graham Bell____________ (introduce) the telephone in 1876.
8. Yesterday I _________ (be) busy, so I _____________ (not have) time to phone you.
9. ‘What_______ you____ (do) next summer vacation?’ ‘I __________ (visit) my grandparents in Nha Trang.’
10. Would you like _____________ (come) to dinner tomorrow?
IV. Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition
1. The post office is not far ________my house. 2. Let’s meet_____ the City Theater____________ 7 o’clock.
3. She was born ___________May 16th, 2001 ____________Nha Trang.
4. He worked___________ deaf-mutes____________Boston University.
5. Mrs. Lien said you could reach her ____________ 8 603 423. 6. Snow is falling all __________ the country.
7. Will you pick m e ___________ after the party? 8. The secretary took a message____________her boss.
9. He emigrated____________ Canada___________ 1870s.
10. We all agreed ____________ their request for a full investigation.
V. Complete the passage with the words in the box. who carry coins might need to located no travels less
Nowadays, you don’t (1) _____to be at home or at the office to use the telephone anymore. Mobile phones (also known as cellular phones) have (2)_______ wires. You can (3)_________one in your pocket or keep one in your car. A call from a mobile phone (4) along radio waves to stations (5)_________ in different places. From there, the radio signal is connected (6)_______ the regular phone system. With a mobile phone, any one (7)_______ can drive and talk can also drive and phone. This means (8)_______wasted time: You don’t have to look for a phone booth or use (9)_________ to make a call. So remember, next time you are at the beach or riding your bicycle, there (10)__________ be a call for you

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