Question 16-20: Read and choose the best answer EIGHT ENCHANTING FACTS ABOUT THE MOON – The distance from the Moon to Earth is 238,857 miles. If you d

By Anna

Question 16-20: Read and choose the best answer
– The distance from the Moon to Earth is 238,857 miles. If you drove from the Moon to Earth at 65 mph it would take you 3,674 hours to get there, or 153 days if you never stopped for bathroom or snack breaks
– The Moon goes round the Earth every 27.3 days
– Our Moon if the fifth largest moon in the solar system
– Neil Amstrong was the very first person to walk on the Moon. He stepped out of his spacecraft, the Eagle, on 21 July 1969 and said “That is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Weird Fact: There is no pictures of Neil Amstrong on the Moon (they are all of his partner, Buzz Aldrin) except for one where you can just make him out in the reflection in Buzz Aldrin’s helmet.
– Mons Huygens is the tallest mountain on the Moon. It is 15,420 feet tall, just over half the height of Mt Everest (29,029 feet). But because the Moon’s gravitational pull is about 83% less then on Earth, you could pretty much just float to the top. Easy!
– The Moon is very hot during the day but very cold at night. The average surface temperature is 244 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and negative 243 degrees at night. Brrr!
– A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth is between the Sun and the Moon
16. Which is the following statements about the Moon is true?
A. The Moon is hot during the day and night
B. The Moon is hot during the day but very cold at night
C. The Moon is cold during the day and night
D. The Moon is cold during the day and very hot at night
17. Who was the first man to walk on the Moon?
A. Buzz Aldrin B. Neil Amstrong C. Mons Huygens D. No information
18. How long would it take if we drove from the Earth to the Moon without stopping for bathroom or snack breaks?
A. About 7 months B. About 5 weeks C. About 5 months D. About 7 weeks
19. When does a lunar eclipse occur?
A. When Earth is between the Sun and the Moon
B. When the Sun is between the Earth and the Moon
C. When the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth
D. When the Sun, the Moon and the Earth together form a triangle
Question 20-23: Read the description of the words. Write the correct words
20. This subject is about numbers, shapes and calculations (11 letters) …………………………
21. You go to this place when you are ill or injured, and you are treated and taken care of by doctors and nurses there (8 letters) …………………………………
22. The opposite meaning of “beautiful” is (4 letters)……………………
23. The person whose job is teaching in a school or college ( 7 letters)……………………………

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