1. The Government is trying to ________when it says it will spend more on the health service without raising taxes. A. chew the fat B. wave the fl

By Arianna

1. The Government is trying to ________when it says it will spend more on the health service without raising taxes.
A. chew the fat B. wave the flag
C. square the circle D. put the lid
2. The government is using the taxes from the working class to bail out the banks that ruined the economy? That really ________!
A. sows wild oats B. spills the beans
C. takes the biscuit D. upsets the apple cart
3. I’ve searched ________ for that old photo album, but I can’t find it anywhere.
A. high and low B. long and short
C. straight and narrow D. thick and thin
4. I don’t think Paul will ever get married — he’s the stereotypical _______ bachelor.
A. settled B. confirmed C. fixed D. determined
5. I’m afraid we got our _______ crossed — I thought my husband would be picking up the children and he thought I was doing it.
A. minds B. purposes C. wires D. fingers
6. It’s a pleasure to be in her company as she is always so _______ and welcoming.
A. adamant B. jubilant C. obnoxious D. amiable
7. They will provide a lot of amusement hopping _______ over the rocks from one puddle to another.
A. up and down B. in and out C. back and forth D. back to front
8. Celebrities feel special when they are surrounded by a(n) _______ of loyal followers.
A.brigade B. entourage C. fraternity D. squad
9. An angry _______ stood outside parliament, shouting and threatening violence.
A. cast B. crew C. flock D. mob
10. “I have a reservation for _______ of six. The name’s John.” “I’ll show you to your table”.
A. band B. circle C. party D. platoon

0 bình luận về “1. The Government is trying to ________when it says it will spend more on the health service without raising taxes. A. chew the fat B. wave the fl”

  1. 1. C. Square the circle

    => Giải thích :square the circle: làm điều tưởng chừng là không thể

    2. C. takes the biscuit

    => Giải thích :take the biscuit: điều đáng ngạc nhiên, đáng trách

    3. A. high and low

    => Giải thích :high and low: khắp nơi

    4. B. confirmed

    => Giải thích: confirmed bachelor: người thích độc thân

    5. C. wires

    => Giải thích :get one’s wires crossed: hiểu nhầm

    6. D. amiable

    => Giải thích :amiable: thân thiện

    7. C. back and forth

    => Giải thích: back and forth: tới lui (di chuyển)

    8. B. entourage

    => Giải thích :entourage: nhóm người theo chân các ngôi sao

    9. D. mob

    => Giải thích :mob: đám du côn

    10. B. circle

    => Giải thích : circle: nhóm đi cùng nhau

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