26, She didn’t have an umbrella. She got wet. ->========-..

By Eliza

26, She didn’t have an umbrella. She got wet.
27, You are so nervous because you drink too much coffee.
28, I’ll call the teacher if you don’t leave me alone. (UNLESS)
29, I didn’t tell you because you didn’t ask me.
30, He isn’t a good runner because he doesn’t train every day.

0 bình luận về “26, She didn’t have an umbrella. She got wet. ->========-..”

  1. 26, She didn’t have an umbrella. She got wet.

    If she had an umbrella, she wouldn’t have got wet. 

    27. You are so nervous because you drink too much coffee.

    If you didn’t drink too much coffee, you wouldn’t be so nervous. 

    28. I’ll call the teacher if you don’t leave me alone.

    Unless you leave me alone, i will call the teacher. 

    29, I didn’t tell you because you didn’t ask me.

    If you had asked me, i wouldn’t have told you. 

    30.He isn’t a good runner because he doesn’t train every day.

    If he trained everyday, he would be a good runner. 

    Xin ctlhn ạ!

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  2. 26. If had had an umbrella, she wouldn’t have got wet. 

    27. If you didn’t drink too much coffee, you wouldn’t be so nervous. 

    28. Unless you leave me alone, i will call the teacher. 

    29, If you had asked me, i wouldn’t have told you. 

    30. If he trained everyday, he would be a good runner. 

    Bn học tốt!!

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