Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Put each of the verbs into future perfect. Use the passive if necessary. Use one verb for each space

By Mary

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Put each of the verbs into future perfect. Use the passive if necessary. Use one verb for each space.
set contribute put provide
protect stop feel make
1. The trading of product made from parts of wildlife animals _________________ soon.
2. They _________________ enough money for the funding for dolphin protection by Monday.
3. My father _________________ at peace by the time he visits the national park.
4. A new plan on the protection of local biodiversity _________________ up by the end of this week.
5. They _________________ every effort to complete the preparation for the charitable party for helping endangered species.
6. Local valuable animals _________________ better by the time the new policy is launched.
7. He ________________ his positive idea to the campaign on supporting local endangered species by the time he collects enough information from his survey.
8. She _______________ herself in environmentalists’ shoes by the time she tries doing their work during a week.

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  1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Put each of the verbs into future perfect. Use the passive if necessary. Use one verb for each space.

    1. will be stopped (soon)

    2. provide (by Monday)

    3. feels (visits)

    4. will be set (by the end of this week) 

    5. made : làm 

    6. will be protect(by the time)

    7. contributes ( vế sau chia hiện tại )

    8. puts ( put oneself in sb’s shoes : đặt vào hoàn cảnh ai ) 

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