giúp mik với I.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before. 1.We haven’t eaten this food since June. ->The last

By Eliza

giúp mik với
I.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before.
1.We haven’t eaten this food since June.
->The last time we……………………………………….
2.He doesn’t like getting up early on cold days.
->He hates…………………………………………………
3.People are cutting rice now.
4.He enjoys watching football matches.
->He is interested……………………………..
5.It is not necessary to set off early today.
->You don’t………………………………………

0 bình luận về “giúp mik với I.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before. 1.We haven’t eaten this food since June. ->The last”

  1. 1,The last time we ate this food was the last June

    2,He hates getting up  early on cold days

    3,Rice is being cut (by people) now

    4,He is interested in watching football matches

    5,You don’t need to set off early today

    Trả lời
  2. 1, The last time we ate this food was June.

    2, He hates getting up early on cold days.

    3, Rice is being cut now.

    4, He is interested in watching football matches.

    5, You don’t need to set off early.

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