Giúp vs ạ 1/She (go)___________to work by bus every day 2/Oranges(be )_______rich in vitamin C 3/My friend(leanr)_______E in London 4/Look! The child

By Hailey

Giúp vs ạ
1/She (go)___________to work by bus every day
2/Oranges(be )_______rich in vitamin C
3/My friend(leanr)_______E in London
4/Look! The children(cross)___________the street
5/Listen! Our teacher(explain)______the lesson.
6/The sun always(rise)_____in the east
7/My brother(play)______games event days
8/ She usually(wear)_______jeans on the weekends
9/ Listen! The bird(sing)________very well
10/They (jog)__________every week
Giúp mik ik????

0 bình luận về “Giúp vs ạ 1/She (go)___________to work by bus every day 2/Oranges(be )_______rich in vitamin C 3/My friend(leanr)_______E in London 4/Look! The child”

  1. 1.goes ( every day → thì HTĐ) learning crossing ( look → thì HTTD)

    5. is explaining (listen → Thì HTTD)

    6.rises ( always → HTĐ)


    8.wears singing 


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