He doesn’t do his homework. He is always punished. → If he

By Josephine

He doesn’t do his homework. He is always punished. → If he

0 bình luận về “He doesn’t do his homework. He is always punished. → If he”

  1. He doesn’t do his homework. He is always punished.

    → If he did his homework,he would’t be always punished.

    Câu điều kiện loại 2:Giả sử lại.

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  2. He doesn’t do his homework. He’s always been punished.
    → If he does his homework, he will always be punished.

    *Dịch :

    Anh ấy không làm bài tập về nhà. Anh ấy luôn bị trừng phạt. 
    → Nếu anh ấy làm bài tập về nhà, anh ấy sẽ luôn bị trừng phạt.

    Xin ctlhn ạ!

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