Reading 3: In the earliest times children got their education directly from parents and other adults. They learned mainly skills for survival. Adults

By Maya

Reading 3:
In the earliest times children got their education directly from parents and other adults. They learned mainly skills for survival. Adults passed down this knowledge through spoken language. Eventually cultures around the world began inventing writing. As societies developed, they set up schools to teach reading, writing, maths and other subjects.
The first schools were usually just for boys. Most of the students came from rich and powerful families. Often the purpose of their education was religious training. In many cultures the religious leaders formed the highest level of society. Some schools had other purposes as well. Many schools focused on military training. Sometimes youths attended special schools to learn the art of public speaking. These skills were meant to help them become future leaders.
Most girls received their education at home. They learned cooking, sewing and other useful skills. Over time education became available to more people, not just the rich and powerful. The governments of some countries set up public systems of education in the 1800s. More schools opened to girls.
During the 1900s marks, or grades, became a new measure of learning. Testing became a regular part of formal education. As education became more important to people, teachers’ colleges opened. The requirements for becoming a teacher became stricter. Teaching became a highly respected profession.
1. In the earliest times, children learned mainly skills so that they could ______.
A. continue to exist B. pass this knowledge down C. make societies develop D. invent writing
2. The word “set up” in the passage refers to
A. made B. based C. established D. found
4. The phrase “set up” in the passage could be best replaced by
A. made B. based C. founded D. built
5. The best title for the passage could be
A. Education in the Earliest Times B. The Development of Education
C. Education in Modern Times D. Testing — a Regular Part of Education

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  1. 1. A – ‘They learned mainly skills for survival.’

    2. C – Established : gây dựng ≈ Set up: thiết lập.

    4. C – Set up ở đây mang nghĩa chịu trách nhiệm về việc tạo ra và vận hành sớm hoặc sử dụng.

    5. B – Từ ‘In the earliest times…’ rồi đến ‘Over time education became available to more people, not just the rich and powerful…’ cho thấy sự phát triển của giáo dục qua thời gian.

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